Rodent And Wildlife Control

Trust The Company With The Most Rodent & Wildlife Control Experience

No one has more experience than us when it comes to removing or preventing mice, squirrels, and rats as well as nuisance and destructive wildlife from properties. When you contact Spencer for rodent control or wildlife removal in Greenville, Spartanburg and Upstate of South Carolina and northern Georgia, you can count on our team to remove existing infestations and to stop new rodent and wildlife pests from moving in. Plus, we offer a one-year warranty for our rodent control and wildlife control services!

Trust The Company With The Most Rodent & Wildlife Control Experience

No one has more experience than us when it comes to removing or preventing mice, squirrels, and rats as well as nuisance and destructive wildlife from properties. When you contact Spencer for rodent control or wildlife removal in Greenville, Spartanburg and Upstate of South Carolina and northern Georgia, you can count on our team to remove existing infestations and to stop new rodent and wildlife pests from moving in. Plus, we offer a one-year warranty for our rodent control and wildlife control services!

Rodent Control
Rodent Control

Get Rid Of Mice & Rats

They don’t call us the Rat Man for nothing.  Here at Spencer Pest Services, we have developed a special expertise in getting rid of mice and rats.

Other pest control companies even consult with us to get rid of mice and rats for their customers, too.


How We Control Rodents & Wildlife

When you call us to remove rodents or wildlife from your property we’ll not only eliminate the existing infestation, but also protect your structure from unwanted rodents and wildlife in the future.  Here’s how we do it:

Step One: Inspection

The Rat Man team will come out and thoroughly inspect your structure inside and out. We’ll identify current activity, access points, and resting and nesting areas. We’ll continue these thorough inspections on a tri-annual basis, to ensure our elimination methods are continuing to prevent re-infestation.

Step Two: Exclusion

All entry points to your structure will be sealed to prevent critters from entering.  Common entry points include gaps where utility lines and pipes enter the structure, air condition vents, exhaust fans, gables to attics, and door sweeps.

Step Three: Trapping & Removal

It’s time to give your current rodent and wildlife problem(s) an eviction notice!  We will strategically place a variety of live cage traps, glue boards, and snap traps around your structure where rodent activity was found during the inspection.

Step Four: Sanitize

Rodents and wildlife leave trails of pheromones behind that can attract new activity to the structure.  Also, rodents and wildlife can carry a variety of diseases as well as introduce fleas, ticks and mites.  To eliminate pheromones and neutralize the feces and urine that these pests leave behind, Spencer Pest Services uses a sanitizing spray on critical areas after the rodent or wildlife activity has subsided.

Step Five: Exterior Rodent Bait Stations

Exterior baiting minimizes rodent populations along the exterior of the structure and reduces the chances of rodent infestations inside.  Spencer’s rodent bait stations are strategically placed around the structure to catch rodents trying to infiltrate the space.  Then we will routinely monitor them for activity.

One Year Warranty For Rodent And Wildlife Control

Within our own communities and neighborhoods, there is an ecosystem that is full of mice, rats, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, snakes, bats, and many other rodents and wildlife that often become a nuisance. Most people Do not have the time, materials, or feel comfortable removing rodents? That is where we come in. As pest control professionals, we are used to dealing with rodent infestations and exterminating them from your home.

If you have been using give us a call we offer the same high-quality mice, rat, rodent and wildlife control at an affordable price.

As Animal Control Experts we target the rodent and or wildlife animal that have become a problem to you and removes them. Our program offers a full one-year warranty and we will take care of your property and all rodents and wildlife control problems as long as the warranty is in place. You have the option of renewing during the warranty annually. If rodents or wildlife return during your warranty period, we will handle the problem. Give us a call Today at 864-232-2406 and let us tell you how we can eliminate your homes rodent and wildlife problem.